Lucky you! As an Essentials reader you can choose one of the following absolutely free.
Supershine Lip Gloss
Pure Radiance Lipstick,Lady Marmalade
Sensational Colour Lipstick,Spice Sensation
All you have to pay is the reduced P&P of just £2.50 (normally £3.95) Get a free Virgin Vie lipstick or lip gloss, just pay the £2.50 p&p. The 'Sensational Colour' lipstick's worth £11 and the 'Supershine' lip gloss is worth £9.50.
Just go to the Virgin Vie promotion page, choose what shade of lippy or gloss you'd like, and your basket will show the amount deducted off the bill.
The following terms and conditions apply to the Essentials offer of a free Lip Gloss or Lipstick from VIE at home.
1. Offer available until Tuesday 8 December 2009.
2. Offer can only be redeemed through www.vieathome.com
3. Not available in Outlets, Stores or at a Party.
4. One free item per household only.
5. Use coupon code 'ESSENTIALS'.
6. VIE at home has the right to withold this offer at their discretion.
7. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery.
8. Not available oversees or in the Republic Of Ireland.
9. Offer available subject to stock - if stock runs through an alternative will be offered.